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This page provides an updated statistics of Sports Toto's past results.
You can check the highest strike frequency of Zodiac(s).
Top Range Zodiac Last Draw No. Last Drawn Date Times Hit
1 5863/24 29/09/2024
2 5868/24 12/10/2024
3 5856/24 14/09/2024
4 5867/24 09/10/2024
5 5854/24 08/09/2024
6 5865/24 05/10/2024
7 5872/24 20/10/2024
8 5866/24 06/10/2024
9 5871/24 19/10/2024
10 5858/24 18/09/2024
11 5870/24 16/10/2024
12 5869/24 13/10/2024